Our Solutions

XTRAN develops sensor-based measurement solutions for many applications and industries. Whatever physical measurement challenge(s) you have in your business, we are here to help. With vast sensor and systems experience, we can solve your measurement challenges with innovative solutions. Explore our website and contact us to see how we can work together to deliver your next project.

XTRAN Telemetry Measurement System (XTMS)

XTMS is a flexible, scalable and robust wireless measurement that enables the connection of up to 100 sensors of any type to report back to a single tablet for viewing and logging. Based on a proprietary 2.4GHz wireless protocol and using optimised hardware, remote measurements can be transmitted point-to-point up to 800m line-of-sight (and further with a repeater), directly from the sensors to the basestation receiver, ensuring you can view sensor readings from a safe distance.

XTMS was designed to remove maintenance personnel from dangerous live work around mining vehicles and heavy equipment while facilitating accurate wireless measurement from a safe location and improving operational efficiency. The mining industry refers to this safety initiative as “Elimination of Live Work” (ELW). The XTMS ELW solution came about when Applied Measurement Australia (AMA) was approached by one of Australia’s largest mining companies to help them reduce the risk of incidents involving personnel taking measurements during maintenance. AMA’s sensor knowledge and systems integration expertise along with the experience of mining maintenance personnel resulted in XTMS being developed. Customers have reported reducing their site risk by more than 40% with XTMS.

Designed for rugged environments, the XTMS wireless platform is well suited to extreme Australian conditions and is ideal for use in remote monitoring of equipment, heavy equipment maintenance, and inspection of dangerous and difficult-to-access locations.

Signal Conditioning

Signal conditioning is necessary to convert the output from a sensor into a suitable signal that can be processed or transmitted, and may include filtering, signal amplification, linearisation, or converting a signal to a particular standard digital or analog interface and protocol.

All signal conditioning options are fully customisable to suit each application.

Custom Solutions

We work with customers to understand their business requirements and all relevant aspects of their application, before developing a viable solution. We look at what data the customer needs and how they want to use it (viewing/logging/systems integration). We look at how to capture the data with suitable sensors, how to convert sensor outputs (what signal conditioning is required), and the best way to transmit that data to where it will be used (communications protocols and topology).

We can customise any or all parts of the XTRAN offering to provide our customers with the right solution for their needs.

Contact our experts for a Custom Measurement Solution